Escala depression yesavage pdf file

Depression was measured with the spanish version of the geriatric depression scale. In low and middle income countries lmic it is difficult to assess its prevalence because of the lack of culturally adapted and validated assessments. A fivecategory response set is not utilized in order to ensure that the scale is simple. The spanish version was developed at the university of iowa based on earlier.

Secala coleta dos dados foi realizada em duas etapas. Jerome a yesavage geriatric depression scale psychopharmacology bulletin 1988 24. Clinical validation of the geriatric depression scale gds. You will be redirected to the full text document in the repository in a few seconds, if not click here. This study has attempted to validate the geriatric depression scale translated version chinese with a psychiatric outpatient sample n 461 of males and females aged 60 or above, from 10 governmentmaintained psychiatric outpatient clinics between january 1992 and february 1993. Development and validation of a geriatric depression screening scale. The geriatric depression scale gds is a 30item selfreport assessment used to identify depression in the elderly. Where a score of more than five is indicated, a more. Validity of the brazilian version of the geriatric depression scale gds among primary care patients volume 22 issue 1 milena sampaio castelo, joao m. A standardized rating scale developed by yesavage et al in 1983, which is a selfreport assessment used to identify depression in older adults.

In the geriatric depression scale, questions are answered yes or no. Development and testing of a fiveitem version of the geriatric depression scale. The gds long form is a brief, 30item questionnaire in which participants. Validation of a 5item version of yesavages geriatric depression scale gds for. The following is a comment on the importance of the 1991 finding by i. Clinical diagnostic criteria for depression including dsm5 and icd10 are applied to adults of all ages. The gds is a 30item scale to rate depression in the elderly. Depression is a common and burdensome psychiatric disorder in older people. Yesavage geriatric depression scale gds online calculator. Pdf internal consistency and exploratory factorial analysis. Over the past few decades, there has been a growing body of literature on mental health questionnqire. Items for the gds were phrased so older adults would not become overly defensive or alarmed. Factor structure and measurement invariance of the geriatric depression scale15.

The gds was originally developed as a 30item instrument. I the yesavage geriatric depression scale commonly abbreviated gds is a brief questionnaire designed specifically for rating depression in the elderly, in which participants are asked to. A total of 45 participants, including 17 males and 28 females m 82. Validity of the brazilian version of the geriatric depression. May 03, 2019 escala yesavage abreviada pdf objetivo. The aim of the present study was to determine the validity of the brazilian version of the geriatric depression scale gds with 30 gds30, 15 gds15, 10 gds10, 4 gds4 and 1 gds1 items and to calculate the optimum cutoff points for identifying depression among elderly primary care subjects. Have you dropped many of your activities and interests.

A crosssectional study was carried out involving 220 elderly patients. Five psychological measures of neurotic depression. This cited by count includes citations to the following articles in scholar. The spanish version of the yesavage abbreviated questionnaire gds to. While useful, depression scales should not replace a thorough history andphysical examination. A new geriatric depression scale gds designed specifically for rating depression in the elderly was tested for reliability and validity and compared with the hamilton rating scale for. Depression is common in late life, affecting nearly 5 million of the 31. It was specifically designed for rating depression amongst older people and is now commonly used as part of the comprehensive assessment of the older person. Development of the 10item edinburgh postnatal depression scale. Gds15, gds5, depressive disorders, aged people, validation studies. A yesno response format yields scores of 04 normal.

Pdf clinical and psychometric validation of the geriatric. Young mania rating scale ymrs university of florida. The ones marked may be different from the article in the profile. Materials geriatric depression scale short form gdss. Use of yesavages geriatric depression scale to evaluate. Internal consistency and exploratory factorial analysis of the yesavage geriatric depression scale gds15 in cartagena colombia article pdf available in salud uninorte 241. While there are many instruments available to measure depression, the geriatric depression scale gds, first created by yesavage, et al. Geriatric depression scale temple university sites. A potential explanation for the present finding may be reflected in the conceptual model of mood proposed by lane and terry 7 with a focus on depressed mood. To evaluate the prevalence of depression in elderly hospitalized in a tertiary hospital, through the application of yesavage s geriatric depression scale, short version gds15. Geriatric depression scale the geriatric depression scale gds was first developed in the us in 1982 by yesavage and others yesavage et al 1983. Quantitative research, psychometry, reliability of psychological test, factor. Using an annual over75 health check to screen for depression.

The scale has 11 items and is based on the patients subjective report of his or her clinical condition over the previous 48 hours. Pdf the main purpose of this study is the adaptation and. Development and validation of a geriatric depression. Geriatric depression scale assessment scale semantic. Abraham of the unchanging nature of depressive symptoms over time. Total score greater than five indicates probably depression. Yesavage ja, brink tl, rose tl, lum o, huang v, adey m, leirer vo. Circle the answer that best describes how you felt over the past week. Linguistic validation of the geriatric depression scale. The gds15 is a short version of the 30item geriatric depression scale, a widely used screen for depressive symptoms in older adults.

If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. Geriatric depression scale long form patients name. Pdf internal consistency and exploratory factorial. Clinical memory assessment of older adults, american psychological association, 1986.

Comparison of the 18item and 6item lubben social network. Geriatric depression scale30 long version ahrq academy. Psychometric properties of eurod, a geriatric depression. International journal of geriatric psychiatry, vol. Answers indicating depression are in bold and italicized. Mckhann g, drachman d, folstein m, katzman r, price d, stadlan em. Geriatric depression scale short form 1 tools may be copied without permission instructions.